Spiel-Bau Company Alte Weinberge 21 14776 Brandenburg (Germany)
Tel: +49(0)3381-2614-0 Fax: +49(0)3381-2614-18 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Managing Director Fabian Lorenz Kreisgericht Potsdam-Stadt HRB 10253
VAT identification number.: DE 812143832 Tax Nr.: 048 / 118 / 00770 |
Graphical and technical realisation: Criadero GbR Tel: 03381 / 79 62 82 http://www.criadero.de |
Disclaimer and other phrases
We have no influence / control on the content of the linked sites,but not to distance ourselves. Instead we find it so great that we explicitly call for their visit.
Occurring on this Internet presence, existing or future brand names are the property of their respective owners unless if the brand was / has not granted, deleted, cancelled or declared null and void.
The company Spiel-Bau assumes no guarantee for the accuracy of any custom or third-party content. for the spelling errors that the reader might assume is the expression , alternatively which is most likely to deter damage by us.
The Company Spiel-Bau shall be liable for any damages arising from the use of the system, except for the damage caused by the one company or one of its vicarious gross negligence agents or intentionally caused.
The Potsdam Court of jurisdiction is in business transactions with merchants, legal persons of under public law or public company.
In the case of naming rights / domain name disputes, text content statements or warnings violate applicable competition law and distance selling law, we ask you to avoid unnecessary litigation and costs, contact us in advance. The cost of a lawyer's warning without previous contact is the meaning of the duty to mitigate damages as unfounded. Unauthorized warnings and / or cease and desist be answered directly with a negative declaratory action or worse.