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icon alter 3-5 years
icon fallschutz ca. 375 x 490 cm
icon fallhoehe < 60 cm
icon material stainless steel

>>Kobito balance rope<<
Order-No.: 0003784 (Before: 10.7511)
Arches made of stainless steel

+ 2 arches made of stainless steel, width approx. 180cm, height approx. 165cm, bending radius approx. 90cm
+ 2 climbing aids made of stainless steel between the arches, height approx. 40cm
+ 1 with rope made of PP-material, ø 15cm, height 40cm
+ 2 safety ropes made of Hercules rope

Made in Germany!
All arches made of stainless steel tube, Ø101,6mm x 3mm.
All stainless steel surfaces are radiated with glass marbles according to environmental protection rules.
All ropes made of Hercules rope with 6 strands.
Connection point net/rope with support posts through specifically formed stainless steel fork and tensible stainless steel chain.
All connecting parts made of stainless steel or galvanized. Use of self-locking nuts only.